Hair transplant procedures are pretty popular these days. Many people opt for these procedures to get rid of their baldness. However, the most common query they have is about the hair transplant recovery timeline.
Often, they have this notion that hair transplant recovery takes a lot of time.
Well, that’s not how it is. And we don’t want you to be gathering information from here and there. That’s why we decided to create this post to help you know everything about hair transplant recovery timeline.
Read this post and get your query sorted right away. Let’s get started…
What Exactly Is The Hair Transplant Healing Time?
After hair transplantation, the recovery or healing period begins. This is a crucial time after hair transplants. It is crucial that you follow post-surgery care instructions provided by your hair transplant surgeon. A reputable hair transplant surgeon will always provide you with thorough aftercare instructions that you must diligently adhere to.

In addition to taking your medication on time, it is essential to visit your surgeon as prescribed. Know that hair transplant is a demanding procedure, it is essential for you to visit your surgeon so that they are aware of your condition and know that your healing is smooth.
What Is The Average Hair Transplant Healing Time?
Recovery time varies from person to person. It cannot be the same for all individuals. Usually, the recovery time depends on the kind of treatment, your health condition, and aftercare compliance.
Redness and swelling on the scalp are frequent after hair transplants. A reliable hair transplant clinic like Neoaesthetica will assist you during this time. Their extensive support will help you manage these issues.

Neoaesthetica uses the latest hair transplant technique, which is Follicular Unit Extraction. It is one of the most minimally invasive hair transplant techniques. Moreover, it has the shortest recovery time, for that matter. After FUE treatment, you will be able to resume your normal routine in a day or two. Furthermore, you can shampoo your head 48 hours after the treatment, and the scabs will fade away within two weeks.
How Long Is The Recommended Duration For Post-Operative Care?
Most hair transplant specialists recommend post-op care for a few weeks. It is to make sure that your grafts are settled properly and that there are no side effects of the surgery. However, for some people, the tenure can be extended if they have any medical condition or have had their newly operated scalp infected. Know that severe medical issues may extend healing. Healing usually takes 10–20 days. If you’re having trouble, talk to your hair transplant surgeon. They’ll be better able to help.

Post-Operative Care Tips
It is essential to take care of your scalp after the surgery. Doing so helps you achieve the best and most long-lasting hair transplant results. Here are some post-transplant hair care tips for you to adhere to. Take a look
- Washing and caring for your scalp throughout healing is the major focus. Know that hair washing will also change following the process. Wash your head as instructed by your hair transplant surgeon.
- Avoid hard exercise and sweating activities following your hair transplant.
- Wear headgear when going out during the daytime. Use a breathable fabric to cover your head.
- Eat nutritious food to improve blood flow, hydration, and recuperation. Avoid fast food that lacks nutrients. You may also need to take protein, biotin, magnesium, zinc, iron, and vitamin B6 supplements.
- Avoid rubbing the treated region against cushions or rough surfaces for the first week after transplanting.
- Consider sleeping in a recliner to avoid any damage to your scalp.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will keep you hydrated and speed up recuperation.
- Itching is a normal consequence of a hair transplant. However, you need to avoid scratching your scalp.
- Avoid rubbing or scratching your scalp following surgery.
- Follow aftercare instructions and take medications as prescribed by your surgeon. Antibiotics, especially, should be taken with food to avoid infection.
- Avoid colouring or styling your hair during the recovery period. This is because these things can damage the grafting beyond repair. It is important to be aware that newly grafted hair follicles are fragile in the first few weeks. Using any chemical-based dye or hair styling can cause damage to them. The delicate transplanted hair needs enough time to develop and be cared for.
Wrapping up…
So, this is all about hair transplant recovery time. Make sure to follow the post-surgery care instructions outlined here to improve your recovery and get the best hair transplant results.
In addition, you must get your hair transplant done at a reputable clinic. Neoaesthetica is your best option. At Neoaesthetica, we have a team of highly skilled hair transplant surgeons. We have helped numerous people get the best hair transplants. You can be one; just contact us for more details!